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Our Services

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It's ALL about the kitties!

Scroll down for our types of services. The rates are in the links provided below.

Before making ANY appointments or reservations, please ensure that your kitty has their YEARLY FELINE VACCINATIONS. 


We cannot board or groom any kitty that does not have their current vaccinations. Rabies are LETHAL. We will only waive this requirement if you have a letter specifically from your VET stating that your kitty cannot have vaccines. This is for your kitty's safety AND ours.


Please click below for the Grooming and Boarding Forms.


A Stress-Free Experience!
Please click below for rates.

Cat Sleeping


Only the BEST for your kitties!
Please click below for rates.


Plenty of Love and Attention! For when you need a few hours of daycare.
Please click below for rates.

Cat in Basket


We give your kitties EXTRA love and affection during the holidays! Please click below to see additional Holiday Boarding Information.


© 2021 Catnip Inn, Inc.

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TEL: (713)523-7877

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